Thursday, July 23, 2020

What other researchers would never Answer 8

The remaining life time of Bhishma 

Source: Santi Parva, Chapter 51, Verses 14,15

14 पञ्चा शतं षट च कुरुप्रवीर; शेषं दिनानां तव जीवितस्य
     ततः शुभैः कर्मफलॊदयैस तवं; समेष्यसे भीष्म विमुच्य देहम
15 एते हि देवा वसवॊ विमानान्य; आस्थाय सर्वे जवलिताग्निकल्पाः
     अन्तर्हितास तवां परतिपालयन्ति; काष्ठां परपद्यन्तम उदक पतंगम

14 pañcā śataṃ ṣaṭ ca kurupravīra; śeṣaṃ dinānāṃ tava jīvitasya
     tataḥ śubhaiḥ karmaphalodayais tvaṃ; sameṣyase bhīṣma     vimucya deham
15 ete hi devā vasavo vimānāny; āsthāya sarve jvalitāgnikalpāḥ

     antarhitās tvāṃ pratipālayanti; kāṣṭhāṃ prapadyantam 

pañcā śataṃ ṣaṭ ca days, O foremost one of Kuru's race, still remain for thee to live! Casting off thy body, thou shalt then, O Bhisma, obtain the blessed reward of thy acts. 

Behold those deities and the Vasus, all endued with forms of fiery splendour riding on their cars, and are waiting for thee invisibly until the moment of the Sun’s entering on northerly course. 

There are two kinds of translation for the no. of days left in Bhishma’s life. 

The North Indians translate it as “Panca Catam Sat ca”, that is five tens with six ones Scholars interpreted that as 56 days. (Note: Catam comes in between 5 and 6.). 

Already we counted 60+ days passed in Part 5 and 6. Now 56 days more. We are well above hundred days.

So all the researchers will never talk about this verses.

 Actually Pancha has a different meaning other than 5. It means VAST.

"Catam Sat" is 106 according to Sanskrit numbering system. 

So it means Vast 106 days. Already the researchers can't justify the 56 days. So no one dared to check which number perfectly fits here.

We already counted 60+ days after the war. If we take 56 the count of days is 106+; if we take 106 then the count crosses 166+ days.

This puts Margashirsha war is impossible. So they hidden this verse in all of their research. 

The Kumbakonam Edition 

The Kumbakonam Edition translates this as 5 times 6 days, i.e 30 days. The their count for 58 days are as following

18 days of war. War ended in Pausha month 1st day Shravana star, Shukla Paksha Pratipada. (Aparva Solar eclipse happened on that day)

12 days of Mourning. 13th day the water obellations happened.

Kumbakonam edition here calculates one month of staying in the river banks from start of war (18 war + 12 day mourning = Perfect manipulation)

So on 15th day of Pausha Purnima Yudisthra ascended to crown in their accounts.

From there Magha 8th would be on 28-30 days approximately. So On Pausha Purnima itself Yudhisthira went to meet Bhishma according to them. (So doing Shraddha after ascending to crown is under the carpet now)

15 days Bhishma gave discourse and 15 days Yudistira spent in Palace after the discourse. So they round of their account of 58 days .

So Kumbakonam edition tried to give justification for the above Shloka. But they fell short already in Balarama's Pilgrimage days accounting. 

So all the calculations of no. of days chronology indicate war possibly could have happened Much before.

What is the tieing factor for Margashirsha war? Why people are most obsessive on Margashirsha war?

That is based on 6 factors.

We can discuss them in forth coming posts.

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