Sunday, July 19, 2020

What other Researchers would never answer - 4

Pilgrimage of Balarama during the war

The Balarama's Pilgrimage no. of days account is very important in calculating Mahabharat war time.

The Pilgrimage day account was given in two places. Shalya Parva and Udyoga Parva.

Balarama returned to Kurukshetra battlefield on 18th day of war just before the Mace encounter between Duryodhana and Bhīma. He himself gives the account of days for his pilgrimage.

Source: Shalya Parva, Chapter 33, Verse 5

5  चत्वारिंशद अहान्य अद्य दवे च मे निःसृतस्य वै
     पुष्येण संप्रयातॊ ऽसमि शरवणे पुनरागतः
     शिष्ययॊर वै गदायुद्धं दरष्टुकामॊ ऽसमि माधव

5   catvāriṃśad ahāny adya dve ca me niḥsṛtasya vai
          puṣyeṇa saṃprayāto 'smi śravaṇe punarāgataḥ
          śiṣyayor vai gadāyuddhaṃ draṣṭukāmo 'smi mādhava

"Two and forty days have passed since I left home. I had set out for pilgrimage under the constellation Pushya and come back under Shravana. I am desirous, O Madhava, of beholding this encounter with the mace between these two disciples of mine!"

In next chapter Balarama explains his start

8 ततः परत्यागतः कृष्णॊ धार्तराष्ट्र विसर्जितः

      अक्रियायां नरव्याघ्र पाण्डवान इदम अब्रवीत

  9 न कुर्वन्ति वचॊ मह्यं कुरवः कालचॊदिताः
      निर्गच्छध्वं पाण्डवेयाः पुष्येण सहिता मया

8 tataḥ pratyāgataḥ kṛṣṇo dhārtarāṣṭra visarjitaḥ

      akriyāyāṃ naravyāghra pāṇḍavān idam abravīt

  9 na kurvanti vaco mahyaṃ kuravaḥ kālacoditāḥ
      nirgacchadhvaṃ pāṇḍaveyāḥ puṣyeṇa sahitā mayā

 Dismissed by Dhritarashtra's son, Krishna returned (to the Pandava camp), and upon the failure of his mission, O tiger among kings, said these words unto the Pandavas, 'Urged by Fate, the Kauravas are for disregarding my words! Come, ye sons of Pandu, with me (to the field of battle), setting out under the constellation Pushya!' 

This clearly states that after Krishna returned to Upaplavya also Pushya Star didn't started. Krishna returned before Pushya Star. 

 11 तेषाम अपि महाबाहॊ साहाय्यं मधुसूदन
     करियताम इति तत कृष्णॊ नास्य चक्रे वचस तदा
 12 ततॊ मन्युपरीतात्मा जगाम यदुनन्दनः
     तीर्थयात्रां हलधरः सरस्वत्यां महायशाः

11 teṣām api mahābāho sāhāyyaṃ madhusūdana
     kriyatām iti tat kṛṣṇo nāsya cakre vacas tadā
 12 tato manyuparītātmā jagāma yadunandanaḥ
     tīrthayātrāṃ haladharaḥ sarasvatyāṃ mahāyaśāḥ
     maitre nakṣatrayoge sma sahitaḥ sarvayādavaiḥ

After this, while the troops (of both sides) were being mustered and arrayed, the high-souled son of Rohini, that foremost of all persons endued with might, addressed his brother Krishna, saying, 'O mighty-armed one, O slayer of Madhu, let us render assistance to the Kurus!' Krishna, however, did not listen to those words of his. With heart filled with rage (at this), that illustrious son of Yadu's race, the wielder of the plough then set out on a pilgrimage to the Sarasvati. Accompanied by all the Yadavas, he set out under the conjunction of the asterism called Maitra. 

The star ruled by Mitra is Anuradha is known as Maitra. So few people assume it is Anuradha Star,

But here Vyasa mentioned   maitre nakṣatrayoge sma, means Maitra is not a star. It's a yoga for a star.

 13 आश्रयाम आस भॊजस तु दुर्यॊद्ननम अरिंदमः
     युयुधानेन सहितॊ वासुदेवस तु पाण्डवान
 14 रौहिणेये गते शूरे पुष्येण मधुसूदनः

     पाण्डवेयान पुरस्कृत्य ययाव अभिमुखः कुरून 

 13 āśrayām āsa bhojas tu duryodnanam ariṃdamaḥ
     yuyudhānena sahito vāsudevas tu pāṇḍavān
 14 rauhiṇeye gate śūre puṣyeṇa madhusūdanaḥ
     pāṇḍaveyān puraskṛtya yayāv abhimukhaḥ kurūn

The Bhoja chief (Kritavarma), however, adopted the side of Duryodhana. Accompanied by Yuyudhana, Vasudeva adopted that of the Pandavas. After the heroic son of Rohini had set out under the constellation Pushya, the slayer of Madhu, placing the Pandavas in his van, proceeded against the Kurus.

In the same chapter it is mentioned Balarama started on Pushya Star. Hence Maitra is not meaning Maitra Star. It means Maitra Yoga time of the day.

What is maithra muhurtham ? How is it calculated?

On certain days for some hours , there is very auspicious time called as Mythra Muhurtham .It is said that those who want get rid of the monetary and other debts need to repay a part of the principal to the Lender during this time and get it recorded in the Lenders books as part repayment. Once done, the remaining part of the Loan dramatically gets paid up somehow or other through easy ways, it is believed.

Muhurta (Sanskrit: मुहूर्त) is a Hindu unit of measurement for time in the Hindu calendar . A Muhurta equals 2 Ghadiyas or 48 minutes.

From 07:36 AM to 08:23 AM is MITRA (मित्र) MUHURTA (Sunrise is taken at 6 AM)

96 minutes after Sunrise starts the Mitra Muhurta. Its duration is 48 minutes.

No. -----Time ------ Muhurta Name

1) 06:00 to 06:47 Rudra (रुद्र)
2) 06:48 - 07:35 Ahi (आहि)

3) 07:36 - 08:23 MITRA (मित्र)

So Shalya Parva accounts that Balarama started on Pushya star and came back on Shravana Star. That Pushya was well after Krishna returned from Peace talks. 

Where did this meeting took place?

From this account itself, it is evident on Pushya Nakshatra day Pandavas where camped in Kurukshetra. 

Chapter 148 of Udyoga Parva describes, Krishna detailing the Pandava Chiefs about Hastinapura happenings
Chapter 149  of Udyoga Parva describes Pandava Army divisions in Upaplavya.
Chapter 150 of Udyoga Parva Describes the start of Pandava Army.
Chapter 151 of Udyoga Parva Describes the camping in Kurukshetra.
Chapter 152 of Udyoga Parva Describes the Kaurava Army preparations start
Chapter 153 of Udyoga Parva Describes Krishna Advising Yudhisthira at the Camp for the war.
Chapter 154 of Udyoga Parva Describes the divisions in Kaurava Army
Chapter 155 of Udyoga Parva Describes Bhisma Elected as Chief of Kaurava Army.

This is the time when Balarama visits Pandava Camp. So Balarama didn't started from Upaplavya. He started from Kurukshetra. It was the day Bhishma appointed as Chief.

This is where the (Chapter 155 end) Verses in Chapter 148 of Udyoga Parva exactly fits

Source: Udyog Parva, Chapter 148, Verses  3, 4

3  अज्ञापयच च राज्ञस तान पार्थिवन दुष्टचेतसः
     परयाध्वं वै कुरुक्षेत्रं पुष्यॊ ऽदयेति पुनः पुनः
4  ततस ते पृथिवीपालाः परययुः सह सैनिकाः
     भीष्मं सेनापतिं कृत्वा संहृष्टाः कालचॊदिताः

3    ajñāpayac ca rājñas tān pārthivan duṣṭacetasaḥ
          prayādhvaṃ vai kurukṣetraṃ puṣyo 'dyeti punaḥ punaḥ
4    tatas te pṛthivīpālāḥ prayayuḥ saha sainikāḥ
          bhīṣmaṃ senāpatiṃ kṛtvā saṃhṛṣṭāḥ kālacoditāḥ

Today constellation Pushya is ascendant--march ye (this very day) to Kurukshetra. Impelled by Fate, those monarchs then, with their soldiers, gladly set out, making Bhishma their generalissimo.

Chapter 156 of Udyoga Parva Describes After hearing Bhisma is elected as Chief of the Kaurava Army in his Camp Yudhisthira discussed the change in his Army Strategy with Pandava Army chiefs.

These two verses where inserted in Udyoga Parva Chapter 148, to create a evidence for the Peace talks are ended in Pushya Star. Which is actually not.

Let us see what is in Chapter 148.

Source: Udyoga Parva, Chapter 148, Verses  1- 4

1 [वासु]
      एवम उक्ते तु भीष्मेण दरॊणेन विदुरेण च
      गान्धार्या धृतराष्ट्रेण न च मन्दॊ ऽनवबुध्यत
  2 अवधूयॊत्थितः करुद्धॊ रॊषात संरक्तलॊचनः
      अन्वद्रवन्त तं पश्चाद राजानस तयक्तजीविताः
  3 अज्ञापयच च राज्ञस तान पार्थिवन दुष्टचेतसः
      परयाध्वं वै कुरुक्षेत्रं पुष्यॊ ऽदयेति पुनः पुनः
  4 ततस ते पृथिवीपालाः परययुः सह सैनिकाः
      भीष्मं सेनापतिं कृत्वा संहृष्टाः कालचॊदिताः

1 [vāsu]
      evam ukte tu bhīṣmeṇa droṇena vidureṇa ca
      gāndhāryā dhṛtarāṣṭreṇa na ca mando 'nvabudhyata
  2 avadhūyotthitaḥ kruddho roṣāt saṃraktalocanaḥ
      anvadravanta taṃ paścād rājānas tyaktajīvitāḥ
  3 ajñāpayac ca rājñas tān pārthivan duṣṭacetasaḥ
      prayādhvaṃ vai kurukṣetraṃ puṣyo 'dyeti punaḥ punaḥ
  4 tatas te pṛthivīpālāḥ prayayuḥ saha sainikāḥ
      bhīṣmaṃ senāpatiṃ kṛtvā saṃhṛṣṭāḥ kālacoditāḥ
  5 akṣauhiṇyo daśaikā ca pārthivānāṃ samāgatāḥ

"Vasudeva said, 'Though thus addressed by Bhishma, and Drona, and Vidura, and Gandhari, and Dhritarashtra, that wicked wight could not yet be brought to his senses. On the other hand, the wicked Duryodhana, disregarding them all, rose (and left the assembly) with eyes red in anger. And all the kings (invited by him), prepared to lay down their lives, followed him behind. 

King Duryodhana then repeatedly ordered those wicked-hearted rulers, saying, 'Today constellation Pushya is ascendant--march ye (this very day) to Kurukshetra. Impelled by Fate, those monarchs then, with their soldiers, gladly set out, making Bhishma their generalissimo.

First two verses say Duryodhana left the Court. So it is evident that he is ordering to start and troops started is a pure insert.

So intentionally moving two shlokas from Chapter 155 to 148 is an attempt to make a illusion that Peace talk ended in Pushya.

Actually Krishna's Peace talk ended 7 days before Amavasya. 

Krishna completed talks and took Karna with him when started beck.  After sending Karna back only he entered Ubaplavya.

Source: Udyoga parva, Chapter 135, Verse 27-30

27 ततॊ निर्याय नगरात परययौ पुरुषॊत्तमः
     मन्त्रयाम आस च तदा कर्णेन सुचिरं सह
 28 विसर्जयित्वा राधेयं सर्वयादवनन्दनः
     ततॊ जवेन महता तूर्णम अश्वान अचॊदयत
 29 ते पिबन्त इवाकाशं दारुकेण परचॊदिताः
     हया जग्मुर महावेगा मनॊमारुतरंहसः
 30 ते वयतीत्य तम अध्वानं कषिप्रं शयेना इवाशुगाः
     उच्चैः सूर्यम उपप्लव्यं शार्ङ्गधन्वानम आवहन

27 tato niryāya nagarāt prayayau puruṣottamaḥ
     mantrayām āsa ca tadā karṇena suciraṃ saha
 28 visarjayitvā rādheyaṃ sarvayādavanandanaḥ
     tato javena mahatā tūrṇam aśvān acodayat
 29 te pibanta ivākāśaṃ dārukeṇa pracoditāḥ
     hayā jagmur mahāvegā manomārutaraṃhasaḥ
 30 te vyatītya tam adhvānaṃ kṣipraṃ śyenā ivāśugāḥ
     uccaiḥ sūryam upaplavyaṃ śārṅgadhanvānam āvahan

"Vaisampayana continued, 'Saluting and walking round her, the mighty-armed Krishna whose gait resembled the majestic gait of the lion, then issued out of Pritha's abode. And he then dismissed those chiefs among the Kurus with Bhishma at their head (who had followed him), and taking Karna upon his chariot, left (the Kuru city), accompanied by Satyaki. And after he of Dasarha's race had departed, the Kurus assembled together and began to talk of that highly wonderful and marvellous incident connected with him. And they said, 'Overcome with ignorance, the whole earth hath been entangled in the meshes of death!' And they also said, 'Through Duryodhana's folly, all this is doomed to destruction.'

'Having issued out of the (Kuru) city, that foremost of persons proceeded, deliberating with Karna for a long time. And that delighter of all the Yadavas then dismissed Karna and urged his steeds to greater speed. And driven by Daruka, those swift coursers endued with the speed of the tempest of the mind, went on as if drinking the skies. And quickly traversing a long way like fleet hawks, they reached Upaplavya very soon, bearing the wielder of Saranga.'"

The above verses prove that the Peace talk ended on Krishna Paksha Ashtami.

But Pushya came after that. This totally strikes down Kartika month. In Kartik Month Pushya come before Ashtami.

If Amavasya happened in Jyeshta, Pushya would occur on  17th day.. That would be Krishna Paksha second day of Margashirsha month.

If you take 42 days from Margashirsha Amavasya, that would be End of Pausha Month, the Shravan Amavasya.

If war ended on Shravan Amavasya that leaves only 8 days for Bhishma's demise.

People would cook up stories of Adhik Month of Kartika, Margashirsha, Pausha and Magha.

The Adhik month occurs only when Sun not traversing to next Zodiac Sign after Amavasya before next Amavasya ends, i.e Two Amavasyas occuring when Sun is in same Zodiac Sign.

So, considering Jyeshta as the last star of Scorpio, Adhik month could have happened in Kartika month, But the Jyeshtha Amavasya would be the second Kartika.  So there is no chance for Adhik month in Margashirsha, Pausha and Magha months.

Last blog post, it is proved Sun was in Rohini and that Amavasya was Vaishakha Amavasya. 

The Peace talks ended on Vaishakh Krishna Paksha 8th day in Shravana Star.
Then Vaishakha Amavasya came and Vyasa gave Sacred vision to Sanjaya

Then On Pushya Star day Jyeshtha Shukla Paksha fourth day Pandavas where camped in Kurukshetra. That day was Pushya starred. On that day Kaurava Army started from Hastinapura and Balarama started his Pilgrimage.

Balarama returned on Shravana Starred day 42 days after that. This indicated The second part of Ashada month.

Wait for my next post.

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