Thursday, July 16, 2020

What other Researchers Never Answer - 1

Number of Arrow Bed Days of Bhishma

Source: Anusasana Parva, Chapter 153, Verses 26, 27,28

26 दिष्ट्या पराप्तॊ ऽसि कौन्तेय सहामात्यॊ युधिष्ठिर

     परिवृत्तॊ हि भगवान सहस्रांशुर दिवाकरः
27 अष्ट पञ्चाशतं रात्र्यः शयानस्याद्य मे गताः
      शरेषु निशिताग्रेषु यथा वर्षशतं तथा
28 माघॊ ऽयं समनुप्राप्तॊ मासः पुण्यॊ युधिष्ठिर
      तरिभागशेषः पक्षॊ ऽयं शुक्लॊ भवितुम अर्हति

26  diṣṭyā prāpto 'si kaunteya sahāmātyo yudhiṣṭhira

          parivṛtto hi bhagavān sahasrāṃśur divākaraḥ
27  aṣṭa pañcāśataṃ rātryaḥ śayānasyādya me gatāḥ
          śareṣu niśitāgreṣu yathā varṣaśataṃ tathā
28  māgho 'yaṃ samanuprāpto māsaḥ puṇyo yudhiṣṭhira
         tribhāgaśeṣaḥ pakṣo 'yaṃ śuklo bhavitum arhati

O Yudhishthira! The thousand-rayed maker of day, the holy Surya has begun his northward course.

I have been lying on my bed here for XXXXXX nights. Stretched on these sharp-pointed arrows I have felt this period to be as long as if it was a century.

O Yudhishthira! The lunar month of Magha has come. This is, again, the lighted fortnight and a fourth part of it ought to by this (according to my calculations) be over.'

478. The same methods are also variously used for forming the odd numbers above 100. Thus:

a.      The added number is prefixed to the other, and takes the accent: for example, ékaçatam 101; aṣṭāsatam 108; triṅçácsatam 130; aṣṭāviṅçatisatam 128; cátuḥsahasram (RV.: unless the accent is wrong) 1004; açītisahasram 1080.

Asta Pancha Satam

Asta - 8
Pancha - 5
Satam - 100

The translators won't translate it as 158. They will translate it with 8 with 5. i.e 58

Then they will try to make it right,

Bhishma died on Magha 8th Shukla Paksha ashtami.

They will try to back calculate.. Magha 8 days. Pausha 30 days. and Mrigasira it should be 20 days to complete. So war should have started on Margashirsha 1 for Bhishma to fall on Arrow bed.

So that theory not working. Then they try to convince us saying the 10 days of war also included in that because Bhishma was in front of Arrows for 10 days, lying on Arrow bed for 48 days. Their claim would be war ended on Amavasya that End of Margashirsha.

There also 18 days of war in Margashirsha, 30 days in Pausa and 8 days on Magha would total as 56 days only. They may soon bluff as There were two nights without any days.

They clearly hide... "lying on my bed  of arrow here for XXXXXX nights."  

The no. of days are clearly mentioned as lying on bed. But researchers would bluff Number is different sentence and Lying on Arrow bed XXXXX Ratrias is different Sentence.

They hide following Shloka in Santi Parva for their comfort. One month of Depression Period spent on the banks of river Ganges.

Source:Santi Parva,Chapter 1, Verses 1,2

1 [वैषम्पायन]

    कृतॊदकास ते सुहृदं सर्वेषां पाण्डुनन्दनाः
          विदुरॊ धृतराष्ट्रश च सर्वाश च भरत सत्रियः

2 तत्र ते सुमहात्मानॊ नयवसन कुरुनन्दनाः

      शौचं निवर्तयिष्यन्तॊ मासम एकं बहिः पुरात

1 [vaiṣampāyana]
    kṛtodakās te suhṛdaṃ sarveṣāṃ pāṇḍunandanāḥ
      viduro dhṛtarāṣṭraś ca sarvāś ca bharata striyaḥ

2 tatra te sumahātmāno nyavasan kurunandanāḥ

      śaucaṃ nivartayiṣyanto māsam ekaṃ bahiḥ purāt

Vaisampayana said, 'Having offered oblations, of water unto all their friends and kinsmen, the sons of Pandu, and Vidura, and Dhritarashtra, and all the Bharata ladies, continued to dwell there (on the banks of the sacred stream). The high-souled sons of Pandu desired to pass the period of mourning, which extended for a month, outside the Kuru city. 

They hide following Shloka also from the readers.

When Yudhisthira went to Bhishma, Krishna said to Bhishma about the remaining Number of days of Bhishma’s life. 

Source: Santi Parva, Chapter 51, Verses 14,15

14 पञ्चा शतं षट च कुरुप्रवीर; शेषं दिनानां तव जीवितस्य
     ततः शुभैः कर्मफलॊदयैस तवं; समेष्यसे भीष्म विमुच्य देहम

15 एते हि देवा वसवॊ विमानान्य; आस्थाय सर्वे जवलिताग्निकल्पाः

     अन्तर्हितास तवां परतिपालयन्ति; काष्ठां परपद्यन्तम उदक पतंगम

14 pañcā śataṃ ṣaṭ ca kurupravīra; śeṣaṃ dinānāṃ tava 
     tataḥ śubhaiḥ karmaphalodayais tvaṃ; sameṣyase 
bhīṣma vimucya deham

15 ete hi devā vasavo vimānāny; āsthāya sarve 

     antarhitās tvāṃ pratipālayanti; kāṣṭhāṃ prapadyantam 

Six and fifty days, O foremost one of Kuru's race, still remain for thee to live! Casting off thy body, thou shalt then, O Bhisma, obtain the blessed reward of thy acts. 

Behold those deities and the Vasus, all endued with forms of fiery splendour riding on their cars, and are waiting for thee invisibly until the moment of the Sun’s entering on northerly course. 

There are two kinds of translation for the no. of days left in Bhishma’s life. The North Indians translate it as “Panca Catam Sat ca”, that is five tens with six ones Scholars interpreted that as 56 days. (Note: Catam comes in between 5 and 6. In “Asta Panca Catam” Catam came later hence 58)

478. The same methods are also variously used for forming the odd numbers above 100. Thus:

c.      Syntactical combinations are made at convenience: for example, dáça çatáṁ ca 110; çatám ékaṁ ca 101.

Panca has another meaning is Sanskrit. It is “Vast”. “Catam sat ca” means One hundred and six. “Panca Catam Sat ca” means Vast 106 days according to section c.

So According to this when Yudhistira met Bhishma in Arrow bed after Crowing Bhishma had 106 days lef in his life. 

Bhishma' Arrow bed days

8 days of war

12 days for Water obellations
30 days of Depression period on Ganges Banks
Number of days for Crowning and doing King's duties and Shraddha 
106 days of life after Yudhisthira came to meet Bhishma

156 + days are accounted here. The 106 days are supported Later in Anusasana Parva.

Source: Anusasana Parva, Chapter 153, Verse 5

5   उषित्वा शर्वरीः शरीमान पञ्चाशन नगरॊत्तमे

     समयं कौरवाग्र्यस्य सस्मार पुरुषर्षभः

5 uṣitvā śarvarīḥ śrīmān pañcāśan nagarottame
      samayaṃ kauravāgryasya sasmāra puruṣarṣabhaḥ

The blessed monarch having passed fifty nights in the capital recollected the time indicated by his grandsire as the hour of his departure from this world.

From this we understand Yudhishthira spent fifty days in Hastinapur after the discourse. Deducting 50 from 106, we get 56 days of discourse of Dharma by Bhisma. This looks logical. Now we have the details after Bhishma’s fall as following

So many calculations missing. None of the researchers would help you explain this to you. 

If any one except me does, please let me know.

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