The Basic Evidence - Hindu Calendar
Every researcher in the world would use these two parts in his research to prove when did the war started.
Source: Udyoga parva, Chapter 81, Verse 7
7 कौमुदे मासि रेवत्यां शरद अन्ते हिमागमे
सफीतसस्यमुखे काले कल्यः सत्त्ववतां वरः
7 kaumude māsi revatyāṃ śarad ante himāgame
sphītasasyamukhe kāle kalyaḥ sattvavatāṃ varaḥ
The month was Kaumuda (Kartika) under the constellation Revati. It was the last part of season of dew (Sharat), autumn (Hemant) would be starting next. The Earth was covered with abundant crops all around.
These verses clearly state without any augmentation that Krishna started from Upaplavya on Kartika month. Kaumuda means Moon Shine. There are two months in Hindu Calendar which are familiar for Moon Shine. The first one is Chaitra Month, The Second one is Kartika. The Moon was traversing near the star Revati on that day.
This is a direct and important evidence for “War in Margashirsha ”.
Please note the Ritu's also mentioned here. It was near the end of Sharat Ritu and Beginning of Hemanta Ritu.
The second one is
Source: Anusasana Parva, Chapter 153, Verses 26, 27,28
26 दिष्ट्या पराप्तॊ ऽसि कौन्तेय सहामात्यॊ युधिष्ठिर
परिवृत्तॊ हि भगवान सहस्रांशुर दिवाकरः
27 अष्ट पञ्चाशतं रात्र्यः शयानस्याद्य मे गताः
शरेषु निशिताग्रेषु यथा वर्षशतं तथा
28 माघॊ ऽयं समनुप्राप्तॊ मासः पुण्यॊ युधिष्ठिर
तरिभागशेषः पक्षॊ ऽयं शुक्लॊ भवितुम अर्हति
26 diṣṭyā prāpto 'si kaunteya sahāmātyo yudhiṣṭhira
parivṛtto hi bhagavān sahasrāṃśur divākaraḥ
27 aṣṭa pañcāśataṃ rātryaḥ śayānasyādya me gatāḥ
śareṣu niśitāgreṣu yathā varṣaśataṃ tathā
28 māgho 'yaṃ samanuprāpto māsaḥ puṇyo yudhiṣṭhira
tribhāgaśeṣaḥ pakṣo 'yaṃ śuklo bhavitum arhati
O Yudhishthira! The thousand-rayed maker of day, the holy Surya has begun his northward course.
I have been lying on my bed here for eight and fifty nights. Stretched on these sharp-pointed arrows I have felt this period to be as long as if it was a century.
O Yudhishthira! The lunar month of Magha has come. This is, again, the lighted fortnight and a fourth part of it ought to by this (according to my calculations) be over.'
The researchers would use these two verses. These two are very important as these are the start point and end point of Mahabharat war. Every one accept these two verses fully before reading my Article. After reading this of my article they would start to differ saying that doesn't mean it and they'll try to give workarounds.
1. Hindu Calendaring system
The Hindu calendar, also called as Panchanga, is an ancient time reckoning system used for, among other things, determining the dates of Hindu festivals. It is a lunisolar calendar with many regional variations. It is must to learn Hindu calendar to understand this book.
In Hindu tradition, time is defined in very detailed manner. Here we look at only,which are very important to us.
Actual time
Blink of eye
≈ 106.7 ms
30 Nimesha
≈ 3.2 s
30 Kāṣṭhā
≈ 1.6 min
Danda (Naligai)
15 Kala
≈ 24 min
30 Kala
≈ 48 min
1/ 8thday
≈ 3 hours
Day –Tithi
≈ 30 Muhurta
≈ 24 hours
Paksha - Fortnight
15 Tithis
≈ 15 days
Masa -
2 Pakshas
≈ 29 to 32 days
2 Masas
≈ 60 days
3 Ritus
≈ 180 days
2 Ayanas
≈ 354 – 385 days
One of the most striking features of the Hindu calendar system is its intricacy. It offers a multi-dimensional method of structuring time, combining information about lunar motions, and solar motions not only with respect to solar system, but also with respect to entire universe.
This makes the Hindu calendar more complex than any other calendars, which had been built around fixed duration of time scales of fixed length months and years. The months and years in Hindu calendar are flexible enough to accommodate thousands of years without any change or adjustments.
Hindu calendar, for short term it is approximate but for long term it is precise. If we read Arthashastra, we can see planning for agriculture based on the calendar predictions for that year. Therefore, we can say Hindu calendar is the calendar for nature.
The one problem here is Zodiac signs have two kinds of meanings,
1. The Zodiac signs which are defined based on the star map using Sidereal year,
2. The Zodiac signs which are defined based on tropical year
All the researchers would use Tropical year Zodiac signs for the verse which is saying about Krishna's departure for Peace talks
They use the Sidereal year Zodiac signs for the Anusasana Parva verses.
I'll explain this using the Ritus
In Hindu Vikram Samvat Calendar, the year is divided into six Ritus as following
Each Ritu is defined as two months. Occasionally when an Adhik month occurs one Ritu may extent to 3 months.
The Udyoga Parva verse says, Krishna Started his journey on Revati Starred day, Which is near the end of Sharat Ritu and Beginning of Hemanta Ritu.
So month of Kartika was Sharat Ritu on Mahabharat times. This is very clear.
Now after 5000 years also the Ritu definitions never changed and would never change. Months of Ashwin and Kartika are the Sharat Ritu.
In the Northern Hemisphere, summer will officially begin at the June solstice, The sun will reach the point where it’s furthest north of the celestial equator. Summer officially begins in the Northern Hemisphere and winter begins for the Southern Hemisphere.
At solstice, the sun will appear to be shining directly overhead for a point on the Tropic of Cancer (latitude 23.5 degrees north) to the north of the Yucatan Peninsula, over the open waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
This changing of the seasons takes place because the plane of Earth’s equator is tilted 23.5 degrees to our orbit around the sun.
So, Solstice and equinoxes are directly connected to the Seasons.
The Ritus are Seasons. We already saw the 6 Ritus and their names. This Ritu system is never changed in Hindu calendar system.
Mahabharat says Kartik Month is Sharat Ritu and we still say Kartika Month is Sharat Ritu. This clarifies we used and still use Tropical Year system.
Hindu Calendar system always used Tropical years. The Precession of Earth Axis is only applicable for Sidereal year Calendars. So Precession of Earth Axis is not applicable for Hindu Calendar system. This is the perfect evidence for this. A living evidence.
Now let us go to the Anusasana Parva Verse
O Yudhishthira! The thousand-rayed maker of day, the holy Surya has begun his northward course.
I have been lying on my bed here for eight and fifty nights. Stretched on these sharp-pointed arrows I have felt this period to be as long as if it was a century.
O Yudhishthira! The lunar month of Magha has come. This is, again, the lighted fortnight and a fourth part of it ought to by this (according to my calculations) be over.'
Here Bhishma mentions about the Winter Solstice. As per our Ritu system Kartika Month - is Sharat Ritu. Revati is 12th day of Kartika month/ Hence The Solstice would happen at early part of the Sisir Ritu. So there is 78 days pending for Uttarayana.
Because the Hindu calendar system don't follow Sun's movement only for month definition at that time, this is approximate. The position of Sun in Zodiac sign matters the most in Tropical year calculation. Looking at the Ritu's definitions, Sisur Ritu would start when Sun is in Capricorn. That is months of Pausa - Magha.
Please note the Sun's Position mentioned here. Sun should be in first part of Capricorn, that is Uttara Ashadha Star.
Here the fun begins.
As per Mahabharata the 18th day of war happened on Shravana Starred day. Shravana is part of Capricorn. The moon should be in Shravana
And it is claimed that, that day was an Amavasya. This is an assumption made based on a verse in Shalya Parva. This verse says When Bhima-Duryodhana was set for Gada Yudda
Source: Shalya Parva, Chapter 55, Verse 10
10 राहुश चाग्रसद आदित्यम अपर्वणि विशां पते
चकम्पे च महाकम्पं पृथिवी सवनद्रुमा
10 rāhuś cāgrasad ādityam aparvaṇi viśāṃ pate
cakampe ca mahākampaṃ pṛthivī savanadrumā
Rahu swallowed the Sun most untimely, O monarch! The Earth with her forests and trees shook greatly.
Because there was an Solar Eclipse, and Solar Eclipses could happen only on Amavasya, it is assumed the Titi is Amavasya. So Sun should be in Shravana.
Now the people switch to Sidereal year system.
Forgetting they showed the Tropical year system in Udyoga parva, Now they start saying Uttarayana shifting. Because the layman don't realize that seasons and Uttarayana are tied together, they won't raise any objections. It is people like me who read the Calendaring system deeply only can identify this mismatch.
If war started on Jyestha Amavasya, Jyeshta, Moola, Purva Ashadha, Uttara Ashadha are the four stars to be crossed for Uttarayana.. i.e 54 days from war start. This is Tropical year calculation.
If we consider Sidereal year calculation method, If Uttarayan starts in Magha, Pausha and Magha are Hemanta Ritu. i.e correct.
But the problem is the stars of the war.
When Sun is in Jyeshta star on an Amavasya that month would be Kartika month. Correct.
In 30 days Sun would move 30 degrees and would be in-between Purva Ashadha and Uttara Ashadha. That would be Margashirsha Amavasya. Correct.
In next 30 days Sun would move another 30 degrees and would be in Shravana. That would be Pausha Amavasya. Correct.
Bhishma died on Magha 8th. So Sun would be in Capricorn / Aquarius. Already we had seen that on Uttarayana time Sun should be in first part of Capricorn, that is Uttara Ashadha Star. But Sun is in Shravana at the end of war itself. Problem 1.
Now people quickly jump from Tropical year system to Sidereal Year system. They would say for every 72 years the uttarayana shifts one degree. So for around 5100 years the Uttarayana shout shift ahead 71 degrees. So Uttarayana is 71 degrees ahead. i.e. (Capricorn 30 degrees, Aquarius 30 degrees and Pisces 12 degrees. This brings Uttarayana happens in when Sun is in Uttara Badta star.
If Uttarayan occurs in Phalguni, Kartika month would have been Varsha Ritu. It would have been raining every where and Kartika month would not have been called as Kaumuda month as it would have been Cloudy.
Also basically they forget the naming convention of Months. If Sun is in Pisces during the Amavasya that month is Palguni Month. But what Bhishma says is clearly Magha 8th. So people try to construct the Adhik Month theory here. But according to Month naming convention Adhik month should have happened in Kartika or Before that. Not when only Single Amavasya occuring in every Zodiac sign Sun Traversing.
If at all there was an Adhik month it could have been Kartika or Ashwin month. Sun could have been in Vishaka 4 quarter on First Karthika and in End of Jyeshta on second Karthika. Else Sun Could have been in Chitra star on Ashwin 1 and Ashwin 2 it could have been in Visaka. So Adhika month after that Kartika is perfect no no as Vyasa clearly says Hemant Ritu is starting.
The basic first verse for calculating the war dates are clearly mentioning that Hindu Calendar followed Tropical year calculation. Shifting Uttarayana date in Hindu calendar system is clearly is wrong approach.
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