Friday, July 24, 2020

Hidden problems for Pausha Month War theory

The Pausa Month war is unacceptable.

Following are the reasons.

Krishna starting for Peace talk:  Kartika month Shukla Paksha 12th day Revati star. It is clearly mentioned the season was Sharad Ritu end and beginning of Hemanta Ritu.

It disqualifies Phalguni month Uttarayana. Uttarayana normally occurs at Hemant Ritu.  Ritus are unchanged since Mahabharat time and fits till today. 

The following is the South Indian Astrology representation

Uttarayan should happen before Sisir Ritu. Explain how Uttarayan can happen in last month of Sisir Ritu - Phalguni ?

If Phalguni 8th is Uttarayana start, 

Ashwin - Kartika month should be Varsha Ritu. 
Margashirsha - Pausha should be Sharad Ritu 
Magha-Phalguni should be Hemanta Ritu.
Chitra - Vaishaka should be Sisir Ritu
Jyeshtha - Ashadha should be Vasant Ritu
Shravana - Badra Should be Grishma Ritu

People try to insert an Adhik month in between Margashirsha - Pausha - Magha.

So Krishna's start on End of Sharad Ritu for Peace talks won't match at all.

Peace talk End / Karna-Krishna Conversation: Kartika month Krishna Paksha 8th day. It is claimed as Pushya starred day. But logic says no.  But Kaumuda month means, the month of Moon shine. Chitra and Kartika both can be said a Kaumuda month.

Kaurava Army starting to Kurukshetra: Margashirsha 17th day under Pushya Star. Only Star Pushya  Matching. It could be Jyeshtha month also referring Vyasa's planet positioning of Shukra, Mars, Ranu. Ketu and Sun. These are explained below.

Position of Venus: Venus is a inner orbit planet. So Venus is always within 48 degrees of Sun. Venus is in Purvabhadra Uttarabhadra Junction. So Sun can't be in Vrischika. It can't be Kartika month. It can be Magha, Phalguni, Chaitra, Vaisakha months.

Position of Mars: Mars was retrogressing in Vrischika. If Mars is retrogressing in Vrischika Sun can't be in Vrischika. It indicates Chitra,  Phalguni, Chaitra, Vaisakha months. Making manipulation of past tense is wrong. Vyasa told Shukra is in Purvabhadra Uttarabhadra Junction. This matches with Mars retrogressing in Anuradha being Sun in Rohini. 

Position of Rahu: Rahu has been indicated as it was in Kartika star and approaching Sun and Moon. Sun and Moon were in Rohini star. Hence This indicates Vaisakha month.

Position of Ketu: Ketu was told as at Jyeshta Star.  This position is correct as per Rahu's position and Eclipse would occur if Rahu-Ketu align with Sun and Moon astrologically.

Balarama's Pilgrimage:  
Start day Pushya star. Only star Matching
Total Number of days: 42 days Matching
Return star: Shravana Matching.

14th night moon raise: Matching

But following matters are never explained

1.  On 14th day evening the Sun went off and came back with out any reasonable explanation. 
2. On 18th day when Sun and Moon were around 50 degree of Descending Node (KETU), eclipse occured.

18th day war Shravana Star: Star Matching
18th day war Solar Eclipse: Logically & Mathematically Impossible.

Please read Rahu-Ketu and Eclipses  to understand why Solar eclipse can't occur on Kartika and Pausha on the same year.

The same thing which was hindering Sun's Visibility on 14th day evening when Jeyatrata got killed, was the "MOON RISING ON EARLY MORNING". Not the actual moon. The same partially covered the Sun on 18th day. That eclipse is Aparvani. This means it is not a Eclipse on Amavasya and that was not caused by Moon. 

Yudhistra's stay at Ganges bank for 1 month: 12 days only. Not Matching

Yudhisthira gave Srardha to the dead: Should have been done on Paush Amavasya. Not Matching.

Shanti Parva Chapter 1-41 were totally ignored for manipulating Pausha month war theory.

When Yudhisthira met Bhishma, the remaining life time of Bhisma Pancha Satam Sat  days. Not Matching.

Panca has another meaning is Sanskrit. It is “Vast”. “Catam sat ca” means One hundred and six. “Panca Catam Sat ca” means Vast 106 days

Every scholar assumes Dharma discourse session with Bhisma as 6 days. This is a gross mistake. If we look at few sections of Santi Parva, we can clearly say it was multi fold longer than 6 days.

  • In Shanti parva chapter 52, Yudhishthira first meets Bhisma. Here Bhisma encourages Yudhishthira to ask his doubts. The day ends there. 
  • The second day Yudhishthira starts with duties of Kshatriyas. The discussion on this single question gets over on day two in chapter 58.
  • The third day starts in chapter 59, with the question about how the word “King” emerged. After this Varnashrama Dharma, Generic Dharma, Important duties of a country were discussed. Hereafter Vyasa do not count of day explicitly. However, he indicates indirectly the QA session went for many days.
  • Santi Parva chapter 71, he concludes thereafter Yudhishthira who possessed great intelligence and protected by Bhīma and others started to rule according to the teachings he received from Bhisma. This indicates the teachings went on for longer no. of days. Not just 6 days.

Yudhisthira spent 50 days in Palace after Bhishma's Discourse : Not Matching 

Manipulating this starting from "End of War" miserably fails as

1. Yudhisthira went to Palace after one month of stay on the banks of river Ganga.

2.  As per this theory Bhishma Moksha was exactly 58 days from starting of war. After war remaining days are only 40, How can Yudhisthira 50 nights in palace in 40 days?

Bhishma's total Arrow-bed nights: Asta Pancha Satam.. Not Matching.Matching if translated as 58 and Interpret the 10 days of war also as Arrow- bed days. But this strikes of 

Bhishma Moksha day : Magha 8th day Not Matching. People claim it is Phalguni. 8th.

When Sun is in Jyeshta star on an Amavasya that month would be Kartika month. Correct.

In 30 days Sun would move 30 degrees and would be in-between Purva Ashadha and Uttara Ashadha. That would be Margashirsha Amavasya.  Correct.

In next 30 days Sun would move another 30 degrees and would be in Shravana. That would be Pausha Amavasya.  Correct.

Bhishma died on Magha 8th. So Sun would be in Capricorn / Aquarius.  That is perfect Magha month. One more month Sun will be in Shatabhisha - PurvaBhadra. This actually start of Phalguni month as per Convention.  

Bhishma Moksha on Magha 8th:  Not Matching

The Start Don't Match
The Middle part was unexplained
The End is Assumed.

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Hidden problems for Pausha Month War theory

The Pausa Month war is unacceptable. Following are the reasons. Krishna starting for Peace talk:   Kartika month Shukla Paksha 12th...